Sunday, May 10, 2009

Pre-Mother's Day Present Fiasco

On Mother’s Day, Mothers get flowers and chocolates. My mom told me ‘Absolutely no flowers.’ She is also currently on the infamous South Beach Diet.


This isn’t going to be a cliché easy to obtain Mother’s Day gift. I’d have to be (god forbid) creative.

The first step in finding the perfect Mother’s Day gift is to leave it until the very last second.

The day before Mother’s Day I woke up slowly and stumbled out of bed into my daily routine of getting ready. The bathroom equipped with shower, is literally right next to my basement bedroom. So, if I felt like smashing a hole above my sink, I’d instantly have a nice view of my wardrobe. I’m not one to randomly smash holes in my wall though, so I’ll pass.

After slowly making my way into the bathroom and showering with an equally sluggish pace I start to wake up. Yes, sometimes I’m completely dressed before I realize I’m not sleeping in my bed anymore; call it sleep-dressing if you will.

This is about the time when my IPod dock turns on, blasting loud waves of techno music and I check my Batman calendar. It is also about the time when I realize Mother’s Day is tomorrow, and also about the time when I realize I’m screwed.

Over the next few hours I used the skill that multiple English classes have drilled into my head. I brainstormed.

This is the product of my brainstorming.

Yes, it is titled ‘Mumsi’s Gift Thing’

Yes, A Leprechaun and Noodle Art are indeed two items on the list of possible gifts,

Yes, there is a cow randomly on the middle of the page.

And yes, I 'wrote screamed' all over the paper.

As you can see I got nowhere. Then a savior ran down the hall and into my door (literally) in the form of my brother…Yes, he runs into doors, a lot.

My younger brother suggested an ITunes card, because my Mumsi had recently obtained an IPod touch, and had only 2 songs on it at the moment.

Conclusion: -There is a reason why my younger brother is a classified genius, and I am not.

-I am horrible at drawing. (Count the cow’s legs.)

Hope your Mother's Day was a whole lot less thought inducing than mine. :)


Saturday, May 2, 2009

Farm Town

It’s sweeping the community of Facebook quicker than the Black Plague of 1665, and is twice as contagious. Farm Town is an Ap. Like most other popular Facebook things, yet this one allows you to grow and manage your own farm, send your friends animals and trees and even add your friends who also use the Ap. as neighbors to your farm. Sounds stupid right? I know, but the sad thing is people love it.

Now I’m a high school student, and am currently taking math as one of my subjects. My mathematics class always is home to the oddest of conversations. There’s a new topic almost every week, last weeks was the two headed girls (Brittany and Abbey) and this week was, you guessed it, Farm Town.

That’s what got me started; I’ve never been one to really go with the flow, but the conversations just sounded too ridiculous! I HAD to be in on the joke, and thus the addiction begins.

This is my Farm.

I’m currently a level 7, which I discovered today was not very high at all, I have a few neighbors but I removed them for confidential reasons before taking this picture. I know the farm isn’t much, but I’ve got a few cows and a tree or two.

Now, there’s another sign about how ridiculously popular the Ap. is, according to the ad at the bottom, they now sell T-shirts, Mouse Pads, and even COFFEE MUGS!

The other day in Math class, after checking out the game, I asked the person sitting beside me why they didn’t just go out and make their own real farm. They replied with a shrug.
Conclusion: The average person is too lazy to enjoy the thrills and excitement of owning and managing a real farm, so they do the next best thing. Digitalize it.

The last thing that really made the cake was my lunch break at work today. There’s a boy I work with, he’s 18 years old, around 5’8 and has an evil grin that reminds me distinctly of a vampire. Let’s call him Evan. Now, Evan and another boy who works with him were standing across from me at the other end of the lunch table. I was quietly eating my sandwich, Evan was on his cell phone, and the other boy was leaning over his shoulder.

“What are you doing?” The boy asked Evan.
“I’m on Youtube.” Evan replied with an almost dazed expression as the web slowly devoured his IQ.
“Thank god! I though you were on Farm Town again!”

This is where I proceeded to choke on the piece of sandwich in my mouth and both boys stared at me.
“Do you have farm town?” Evan asked. I held up a finger while trying to swallow my food and stop gagging. The two boys promptly ignored me, not having the patience to wait for me to recover.
The one boy eventually left and called for Evan who stood and right before leaving turned to me.
“Well do you have Farm Town?” He asked expectantly.
“Yeah.” I was trying extremely hard not to laugh. A proud vampiric smirk crossed his freckled face and he added.
“What level are you?”
“Err….seven..” The smirk widened and Evan was literally surrounded by his proud aura. He laughed.
“I’m a level 27.” Then turned and left, leaving me sitting in the lunch room, laughing my head off and wondering why an 18 year old’s biggest accomplishment is being a level 27 on a Face book farming Ap.

Facebook, is home to many Aps, but in my opinion Farm Town is the most amusing by far, and is slowly taking over the world, one brainless teen at a time.