Thursday, April 14, 2011

3 Times MegaTron Fell Down The Stairs...And The One Time She Didn't. Part 2

If there is one unnecessary fact you shouldn’t know about my house, it’s that it never has any cordless phones with a charge. They’re all dead, always, all the time. All five of them. Their docks are in five different rooms in my house, but ninety percent of the time, the phones themselves occupy my younger sister’s room, scattered amidst makeup, clothes and a frightening amount of stuffed animals. Impossible to find really, and very frustrating, especially when the phone is ringing.

-------Number 2--------

It was a Saturday evening and I was in the basement getting ready to go to work. The phone rang. At first, I hesitated, waiting for the second ring to confirm that I’d heard it. Then, I was running. (Now, I don’t know how I always find myself in instances where running indoors in necessary, but it seems to happen to me a lot.) So, I was running, and having a hard time of it due to the lack of grip my socks had on the hardwood floor. The phone downstairs was missing, so I turned and flailed with a severe lack of balance, around the corner. I was halfway up the stairs (also hardwood) when it happened.

My foot slipped and..


Now I hadn’t fallen down the stairs per se, but I’d fallen forwards, landing on my stomach and sliding backwards to the bottom of the staircase via my front. My feet touched the ground gently, (I had lost a fair bit of momentum by this point) and I stumbled to a standing position. My knees ached from hitting 12 wooden steps repeatedly with a decent amount of force, and I’d managed to cut my hand somehow. The phone continued ringing so I hurried back up the stairs (at a slightly slower pace) and grabbed the first phone I saw. Dead. I ran into the living room. No phone. I threw open my Mom’s bedroom door. No phone. I hesitantly peeked into my sister’s room, and could have sworn something alive was shuffling about under the mountains of clothes and preteen mess. I closed the door without even attempting it. Finally, I found a living cordless phone in the mudroom. I picked it up, smiling at my small accomplishment and ability to come back quickly from yet another nasty spill down a set of stairs, made to push the talk button…

And the phone stopped ringing.

I proceeded to throw it very angrily at the couch, (I can’t break the only living phone) and stomp back down the stairs. Oblivious to the lesson I should have learned.

-MegaTron Out.


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