Ello fellow bloggers!
I speak to you tonight from the Royal York hotel in Toronto! I love Toronto, I feel at home here, but It makes me miss New York. Why am I in Toronto and staying at one of the oldest hotels in the city? Why for the Circle of Light conference of course. I was chosen to be on a student panel of First Nations, Metis and Inuit teenagers and we all had eight minute speeches. Mine went decently well, I got a few laughs and all, it was fun. To tell you the truth my Mumsi was more nervous then I was. She filmed it and her hand was shaking, and I was the one addressing 750 people! She makes me laugh sometimes.
Now, there are a few things I’ve learned about this hotel since I first arrived.
1)It’s Old.
2)The higher up the floor, the better the rooms. (I’m on floor 2 and it’s nice….Makes me wonder what floor 10 is like…)
3)The beds are too squishy to jump on.
4)The bathrooms ACTUALLY have shelves you can put stuff on!
5)Every towel comes with a ribbon bow.
6)There are 20 billion elevators.
7)Not every elevator will take you to the same place.
8)4 of the elevators DO NOT go to floor 2. (Learned from experience)
9)If you wave at the guys in the office building across the street, they’ll wave back.
10)If you wave at a teen in the office building across the street, he’ll flip you off.
And Finally,
11)You CANNOT wear long dresses on the escalator or they WILL get caught. (There’s even a warning sign)
My room has this really tacky lamp in it, that kind of freaks me out. It’s yellow with red and blue patterns on it. But, in the middle of the patterns is, you’ve guessed it.
A GIANT EVIL ROOSTER!...or chicken. I can’t really tell personally, all I know is it’s right by my bed, has this big creepy eye, and most likely watches me while I sleep…..
I’ve also met some neat people here. I just returned from the dinner banquet where I saw a group of students from Nunavut, they did some throat singing. I’ve always wondered what that was. You should seriously YouTube it. It’s intense.
Well, that’s about it for now, I’ll post my speech later and the link to my Mumsi’s shaky video :P
Oh yeah I almost forgot!
Conclusion: The Royal York is cool, Throat singers are cooler, and the evil chicken rooster on my lamp is probably alive….Help.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Circle of Light, Day 1
Friday, November 6, 2009
Homework, The Darkness To My Tunnel's Light
Anyways, there really isn’t anything interesting happening in my life right now. I, like most high school students, am up to my eyes in homework. However, if I stand on my tip-toes I can see over the large pile of textbooks and ISP novels. I see a long dark tunnel with a light at the end of it. Comically enough, this light involves a large root beer, my Wicked novel and a towering pile of burnt previous homework assignments. Though, I’m not allowed near fire anymore, so I doubt the burning will occur, but a girl can dream.
I currently have four classes right now, three of them involving constant attention, the fourth? Not so much, but I won’t get into that now.
They are as followed.
World Religions
Ancient Civilizations
Now this post will focus on English, I’ll circulate through each subject in said order at another time.
Our current English project is a partnered movie trailer on Catcher in the Rye.
With the help of my partner in crime from OZitivelyWicked(Taryn), we are hoping for a high enough mark to;
A) Cancel out my dreadful physics mark
B) Show the World Religions teacher that I have future in video editing!
C) Market Taryn’s amazing acting skills
D) Improve my mark after the ‘Killer Sheep Incident’
Yes, we had another project last month, to read a short story and draw a picture to represent it. This is what I ended up with.

Funny enough the story was about three children and a storyteller, not a killer sheep, but I found that the picture related to the children’s loss of innocence quite effectively. Everything is not as children originally perceive it to be. Thus, a cute cuddly sheep at first glance, could turn out to be a vicious wild animal that eats children! You don’t see it? Well neither did the teacher marking it, sadly enough I nearly failed the thing. Yet, it is currently tacked to my bulletin board in the front entranceway to my house. Why? Well to show off my amazing art skills of course. :)
Conclusion: -It is now obvious that I’m not cut out for the world of English literature and interpretation.
-You may be able to ‘bull’ your way through some classes, but you can’t ‘bull’ your way through life!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Hair Extensions
Halloween is the time of year that all little children look forward to. It is the time to dress up your child as their favorite super hero, send them off on their own to wander the neighborhood in the middle of the night and knock on strangers’ doors asking for candy. Not quite the most practical event, but I’ve heard of worse.
I normally partake in the festivities but this hallows eve I was scheduled to work, and let me tell you there is nothing duller than sitting around an empty grocery store at 8pm dressed in a checkered costume that itches. Yes, I dressed up to go to work, I put effort into my costume and I wasn’t going to let it go to waste. I wasn’t the only one dressed up though. I work with a woman, let’s call her Sally. She came to work as Cinderella, is around 5’7 and in her 40’s. Now, Sally is a lot like a big kid, literally, and when an old woman who lives across the road from the store came in complaining that she never got any trick-or-treaters. Well, I guess Sally made it her mission to make this night different. And so, promptly at 7pm when Sally had her 30 minute dinner break, the old lady opened her front door to see a 40-something year old woman, dressed in a princess gown and holding out a basket.
Another thing about Sally that really freaked me out that night was her hair. She cut off her hair at the beginning of the previous year, it was long and curly and I thought that she’d donated it to cancer wigs or something. Boy was I wrong. It took me a good chunk of time but I soon realized Sally was sporting a long pony tail of brown curls. So, I approached her out of curiosity.
“Hey Sally are you wearing hair extensions?”
She then grinned at me a pulled the hair clip out of the back of her hair, a large curly ponytail fell off and her hair was short again. She held the clump of curls out to me.
“Nope! It’s mine from when I cut it!”
“Wait so you saved it?”
“Yep! I keep it in a tin can.”
Conclusion: Sally is a nut bar.