I write this with Hugh Jackman’s opening for the Oscars in my head. Why? Well, I’m writing about reading, and he sings about The Reader. It’s catchy, and if you, like me, are dangerously curious and get odd songs stuck in your head easily, then you will watch that opening and be singing ‘The Reader’ until you stumble upon another pointlessly catchy song. Perhaps ‘I Am Cow’?
Anyways, there really isn’t anything interesting happening in my life right now. I, like most high school students, am up to my eyes in homework. However, if I stand on my tip-toes I can see over the large pile of textbooks and ISP novels. I see a long dark tunnel with a light at the end of it. Comically enough, this light involves a large root beer, my Wicked novel and a towering pile of burnt previous homework assignments. Though, I’m not allowed near fire anymore, so I doubt the burning will occur, but a girl can dream.
I currently have four classes right now, three of them involving constant attention, the fourth? Not so much, but I won’t get into that now.
They are as followed.
World Religions
Ancient Civilizations
Now this post will focus on English, I’ll circulate through each subject in said order at another time.
Our current English project is a partnered movie trailer on Catcher in the Rye.
With the help of my partner in crime from OZitivelyWicked(Taryn), we are hoping for a high enough mark to;
A) Cancel out my dreadful physics mark
B) Show the World Religions teacher that I have future in video editing!
C) Market Taryn’s amazing acting skills
D) Improve my mark after the ‘Killer Sheep Incident’
Yes, we had another project last month, to read a short story and draw a picture to represent it. This is what I ended up with.
Anyways, there really isn’t anything interesting happening in my life right now. I, like most high school students, am up to my eyes in homework. However, if I stand on my tip-toes I can see over the large pile of textbooks and ISP novels. I see a long dark tunnel with a light at the end of it. Comically enough, this light involves a large root beer, my Wicked novel and a towering pile of burnt previous homework assignments. Though, I’m not allowed near fire anymore, so I doubt the burning will occur, but a girl can dream.
I currently have four classes right now, three of them involving constant attention, the fourth? Not so much, but I won’t get into that now.
They are as followed.
World Religions
Ancient Civilizations
Now this post will focus on English, I’ll circulate through each subject in said order at another time.
Our current English project is a partnered movie trailer on Catcher in the Rye.
With the help of my partner in crime from OZitivelyWicked(Taryn), we are hoping for a high enough mark to;
A) Cancel out my dreadful physics mark
B) Show the World Religions teacher that I have future in video editing!
C) Market Taryn’s amazing acting skills
D) Improve my mark after the ‘Killer Sheep Incident’
Yes, we had another project last month, to read a short story and draw a picture to represent it. This is what I ended up with.

Funny enough the story was about three children and a storyteller, not a killer sheep, but I found that the picture related to the children’s loss of innocence quite effectively. Everything is not as children originally perceive it to be. Thus, a cute cuddly sheep at first glance, could turn out to be a vicious wild animal that eats children! You don’t see it? Well neither did the teacher marking it, sadly enough I nearly failed the thing. Yet, it is currently tacked to my bulletin board in the front entranceway to my house. Why? Well to show off my amazing art skills of course. :)
Conclusion: -It is now obvious that I’m not cut out for the world of English literature and interpretation.
-You may be able to ‘bull’ your way through some classes, but you can’t ‘bull’ your way through life!
I dance through life... :)
Good for you Taryn! :)
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