Tuesday, March 29, 2011

An Outlook on Higher Powers

I don't know if it is a recent resentment for a particular person in my life, or a talk about religion we had in 16th Century History today, but I was reminded of this poem I wrote last year. And so, I thought I would dig it up and put it out there for the world to see.
Here you go.


Father of all things regarding;

Please accept this offering of prostitution;
World segregation; &

Also take notice of my efforts to please you;
Worship you;
And entice them near.

Near enough to offer what you would presume;
I hold most dear.
My soul;
My duty;
My peer.

I'm contacting you to display why I;
A human;
A solitary being in and from within her temple;
Why we are here;

To fear.
To portray fear.
To one day be feared.

Why we as humans;
Strive for the popularity of being the all-knowing.
To be the chosen proprietary of his majesty;
The tree of knowledge;
To which is always growing.

Embodying you;
Father of all things summoning clarity of time;
Which is in and of itself;

Even molding.
Our consciousness;
Truth and Prosperity;
This weakness of knowing.
Your strength of reminding;

Displaying why we have no choice;
But which to obey.
The indisputable fact;
That we are the prey.

The reasons why incompetence among the masses;
Rules the day.
Laughing at our horrible decision.

Unfortunately well positioned.
Immovable while propositioned.
Charismatic and full of someone Else's visions.

Of a future in to which we will not participate in this play.
Pretend we're considering;
Or even relate to;
' The way. '

Regard you as father;
Or even take note of what you say.
You're an imaginary wall of misdirection.
That perpetuates;
Religious practices of dismay.

To know,
Is to realize.
There is no 'One' ;

True way.

Conclusion: I was a very angry person once.
-MegaTron out.


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