AN: [The inspiration for this post is brought on by the classic ‘3 to 1’ writing prompt. If you haven’t ever come across this web-famous writing style have no fear, because I’m about to explain it. Basically, you write about 3 common instances where a similar event/thing occurred, and then one time it didn’t. (But this one time has to still relate to the other three). Confused? Yeah, I was too but hopefully you’ll understand when you’re done reading this.]
------NUMBER 1------
The first instance was Monday. It was a Day 1 at school and I thought it was a Day 2. What difference does that make? Well, it’s the difference between having a class, and not having a class, and I thought I didn’t have a class. But, my luck being how it is, I did, and it was Digital Audio Studies. This is a serious matter because if it was any of my other classes I could slip in quietly, avoiding a late slip in the process, in Digital Audio this is impossible and extremely dangerous for a plethora of reasons. (That I won’t list) So… The bell is about to ring, I’m on the opposite end of the school, I realize I DO have class, and if I get another late slip I have detention. (Not because I’m a delinquent or anything, I just tend to go to the wrong classes all the time, making me late for the one I need to be in).
And so…
I ran.
Full tilt down the hallway, which was a dangerous move on my part but it was a desperate time. I reached the stairs, at the top of the staircase was my class, almost home, I continued my sprint up the stairs, got 5 steps up and…
I groaned from my new position sprawled on the last step of the staircase. My knees and arms were already bruising and I had bitten my tongue on the way down. I sat up slowly, happy my laptop had survived the fall due to it being clutched to my chest, (bones will heal, so save the electronics) and the bell rang. I groaned again, this time in frustration.
I took my time stumbling back up the stairs and paused for a second outside of the class to compose myself before entering. I shuffled to my seat thankful that my knees hurt less when I sat down; my teacher looked up from his Macbook Pro.
“Late slip.” He deadpanned.
Time to justify yourself MegaTron, “But I-“
“Late slip.” Deadpan.
I sighed, dropping my gaze (his was of course unwavering), and stood again,
“…Yes sir.”
And that was the first time this semester that I fell down the stairs. Memorable because of my failure and inability to keep track of my life, disappointing, because it was also the cause of my first detention of the year. Kind of humorous ‘cause I like to laugh at myself like that, and you should feel free to as well. ;)
Stay tuned for the remaining staircase stories.
Something I learned from this experience: My DAS teacher would win every staring contest. Ever.
-MegaTron Out.
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